March 11, 2021
Rempel Builders has engaged the services of an Indigenous Consultant to help us learn about the history of our local Indigenous groups. Leonie Rivers Consulting was engaged this past fall to educate us on the importance of Indigenous Policies and how to respectfully pursue relationships with local Indigenous families. The goal of Rempel Builders is to create long lasting, respectful relationships that continue on well after any project has completed.
One part of our goal was to have all of our team members engage in an orientation program which covers the history of Indigenous groups. We want all of our team members and trade partners to understand the importance of reconciliation with our Indigenous peoples.
Here is a portion of our newly created Indigenous Policy – “Rempel Builders is committed to building effective Indigenous business relationships and ensuring we have the structure, resources and skills necessary to maintain these relationships. We, as Rempel Builders strive to succeed, with best practices, clear principles, mutual and respective responsibilities, and accountabilities. To support our move towards true and lasting reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, Rempel Builders is sincere in its commitment to ensure these principles identified below are understood and acted upon by everyone in our Company, including all sub-contractors: “